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Driving a Car in Cortland County


Driving a car is generally the most expensive way to get around. It also contributes to road damage, air pollution, and global warming.


Owning a car can cost on average $8,500 per year. That includes a medium sedan, driving 15,000 miles per year and does not include loan payments. Calculate your costs from AAA’s Annual Driving Guide.


If you can walk, bike, take the bus, or rideshare you can substantially cut your expenses and environmental impact. Or take a look at an alternative fuel vehicle if you are interested in moving away from gasoline.


Cortland County Dept. of Motor Vehicles

Address: 112 River Street (off of Port Watson St.)

Phone: 607-753-5023

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Drive-thru limited to:

  • Plate surrenders

  • Registration renewals with mail form

  • Dealer drop-off and pick-up


Avoid waiting in line! Typically, the busiest times at the DMV office are the first two working days of the month, the last two working days of the month, and as a general rule, Mondays and Fridays.


Ridesharing in Cortland County


Ridesharing is a new term for carpooling. Sharing rides, whether to work, to a recreational activity, or to run errands is much less expensive than driving alone. There are some great online ridesharing websites that let you find others who may be going your way.


511 NY Rideshare is New York’s home for ride matching, traveler and employer rideshare services and those individuals who are seeking alternatives to driving alone.


eRideShare puts the power of the Internet to work, connecting commuters or cross-country travelers going the same way.

Trip Planner

Mobility Management Office
60 Central Avenue,
Cortland, NY, 13045 USA
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